Actually, I know nothing about how to establish a website, and nothing how the webpage can be made automatically by the program or the script which composed all by myself. So this page is edited with a WYSIWYG html editor named BlueGriffon. And the main index page is maintained by manually editing the source html file. (--b) So I'm not able to make these pages colorful or attractive.
But What is coincidentally that I myself appreciate the plain text very much. The text without any format, such as source code and configuration file, can always control more things than styled text in most environments, including computer system and programming. The RFC documents, such as the rfc791 for IP, is a good example. It's undoubted that rich text can be more visual and readable, but sometimes this aesthetic superiority turns easily to be a kind of temptation, which is no use to transport the essential information of a message or increase the efficiency of the command execution. So, I, who is the faithful follower of algorithm, have the conviction that the words can carry all informations and the pattern is only appendix. And this is why i use such a simple theme.
However, I'm not able to make this page artistic and attractive after all, and can only operate in an easy html file. By the way, this is another reason for which I use such a brief theme.(^^) It's not superior to have it, but inferior to not have. So I still want to learn more about the maintence of a website (or webpage) and a blog.
So this is a simple informal announcement of my github pages.
新手表示,之前从来没有自己着手建立过网站,更不必说网页或博客的后期维护问题。因此上,这篇文章和主页都是通过一个叫 BlueGriffon 的所见即所得的 html 编辑器制作的,后台维护更是对 html 源代码的暴力修改进行的。由此可见,本人尚无能力对网页进行更进一步的美化。
不过必须一提的是,我本人是很推崇纯文本形式的。诸如源代码和配置文件等没有任何视觉样式的纯文本,往往在很多环境中的控制能力要大大超过格式文本,比如计算机操作系统和编程等领域。RFC 文档中关于 IP 协议的 rfc791 就是个很好的例子。尽管格式文本毫无疑问地借助其形象的可视化的格式使之易于阅读,但是不可否认的是,有时这种艺术化图形化的元素,在读者试图分析文章本身思路和结构时,不免成为窃取注意力的一种诱惑。因此对于有着鉴定算法信仰的我来说,文字才是根本王道,形式只是锦上添花而已。于是乎我便使用了网站提供的这一简单的主题风格。
于是便有了这篇文章,权且算是加入 github 大家庭的誓言吧。
然后又换了一台电脑 ^_^